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Physical Education

Fundamental Movement Skills

Throughout the EYFS and KS1, children work on their fundamental movement skills (FMS) and become increasingly competent and confident. They access a broad range of opportunities to develop and build upon their agility, balance and coordination. At Lytham CE we expect all children to master basic movements by the time they leave KS1, preparing them for more sport specific skills in KS2. FMS will continue into Year 3 if outcomes have not been met in order to support the children's physical development as much as possible.

Please have a look at the 'Fundamental Movement Skills in KS1' document below. It will give you ideas of how you can practise the 'Fundamental Movement Skills' at home and will also show you what sports your children will be able to access as they move into Key Stage Two.

Dance and Gymnastics

Children are taught dance and gymnastics throughout their time at Lytham CE. They are taught to develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance through gymnastic type activities. Dance is linked to the main themes in our curriculum where possible and helps to develop an understanding of how their bodies can move to music.

Invasion Games

Throughout KS2, the children continue to develop a broader range of skills which they apply to different types of sports. These sports are invasion games (netball, hockey, football and basketball); striking and fielding games (rounders and cricket); net and wall games (tennis and badminton) . The children learn how to play competitive games and are challenged to think about how to use skills, strategies and tactics to outwit the opposition. They apply the basic principles of attacking and defending. These competitive games are modified to allow the children to consolidate the skills that have been taught. 


Swimming is a key life skill which is developed during the children's journey throughout Year 4 and Year 5. Our lessons enable our children to develop their basic skills and to practise until they demonstrate an efficient stroke technique. A water safety programme is also taught which enables the children to develop their safety awareness and to problem-solve various situations, which could arise in real life. The expectation is that all children will leave KS2 able to swim 25 metres competently with an understanding of water safety. Here at Lytham CE, our Year 6 children will swim again in the Autumn term if outcomes have not been met.

PE Passport

For our PE, we use the Lancashire scheme to support our planning throughout the academic year. We also use the 'PE Passport' to help with assessment and evidence of all the wonderful things that we do in PE, for physical activity and school sport.

Wyre and Fylde Partnership (SSP)

We are a member of the 'Wyre and Fylde Partnership' (SSP) who organise inter-school competitions as well as linking us up with many opportunities to provide our children with extra-curricular activities. We enter all of the SSP competitions and with great success!

Please find our Physical Education curriculum intent below.