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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1!

Moving from Reception to Year 1 can feel like a big step, however we ensure that this transition is a smooth, happy and enjoyable one. Please check our school Facebook page to see all of the exciting learning we do in Year 1!

In this section you will find all of the relevant information about Year 1.


Class Teacher: Mrs Lumby (Key Stage Leader)

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Norman, Mrs Riley and Mrs Shaww

PPA Cover: Mrs Reams

Arriving at school

The gate opens at 8:45 and Year 1 enter school through the classroom door next to the green gate. The gate closes at 8:55. If you arrive after 8:55, please go to the school office to sign in. Once the register has been done, the children then choose their lunch choice. There are three options each day.

Home time

School finishes at 15:30, and the children get collected from the KS1 playground. 

Breakfast and After School Club

Please click this link for details about Breakfast and After School Club

PE days

Wednesday and Friday. On PE days, the children arrive at school in their PE kit and do not need their uniform on these days.


In Year 1, we use 'Little Wandle Letters and Sounds' as our reading and phonics scheme. The children complete 3 reading sessions with an adult each week, and then they take that book home to read for a week on Friday. In addition to this, the children have 1 opportunity a week to select a 'Reading for Pleasure' book to take home. Finally, the children get to access the school library once per week.


Homework will be given out on Fridays and is due in the following Wednesday. The homework task will focus on something that the children have been learning about in school recently.

Water bottles

Please can the children bring a labelled water bottle every day. Please can uniform also be labelled.

Phonics Screening Check

The Year 1 phonics screening check will take place in June. This is a short assessment to determine how well each child can use the phonics skills they have learned in Year 1.